Magic Carpet Ride
Thursdays 6:30pm -9pm.

Eeyore is my hero! “Thanks for noticin’ me”
The Blue Zucchinni has been programming music at KAFM since April of 2000. He started the Magic Carpet Ride time slot at the station, and continues to program a variety of music on every third Thursday evening from 6:30-9:00 P.M. He helped start up the WORDS program and singlehandedly produced 1,622 episodes over a five year period of time. He is the founder and producer of the STORIES program which continues to air twice daily every day of the week. He is still very interested in getting kids involved at our station! Community Radio is a hobby that he thoroughly enjoys! Please contact the station if you are interested in getting your child involved with the STORIES program!

DifferentDave, aka Dave Berry, has been spinning music on KAFM since 2003. In addition to the Magic Carpet Ride, DDave has hosted the World Harmony Show, Tropical Aire, and the Conscious Party. You may find some international flavors mixed in with the Rock Jam Grass Americana variety of the CarpetRide when DDave is pilot.
When DifferentDave isn’t attending live music shows, you might find him hiking, riding, rafting, or skiing in the great Western US. As a geologist, DD sees the land as an open book.