Cosa Nostra
All different types of music - true variety on Mondays!
Every other Monday, 9am-Noon.
Every other Monday, 9am-Noon.
The Don
I play multiple style of blues, jazz, worldbeat, some Americana, doowop, and Motown R&B with '70s and '80s rock, too. I'm willing to try any style as long as it's diverse and interesting to me and the audience. I'm noted for non-segues, and I just jump around all over the place, trying to keep it active and interesting. I'm not into recitation songs or "cause music" that propagandizes particular viewpoints. If it sounds good, has a beat and HITS me, I'll play it, even if it's pots and pans from Sri Lanka or screeching from someplace exotic.
I always liked music while growing up and had the radio blaring in the car, while my father would say " what is that c**p you're listening to? It's nothing but noise." He liked '40s stuff, which I thought was old man junk. Upon retiring from teaching in New Jersey and moving west in 1991, I had already learned from my students to like Boston, Orleans, Guns and Roses, Scorpions, Billy Idle, Pat Benatar, AC/DC and others as well. I got involved in public radio in the mid '90s and learned the DJ thing. I even worked on a small commercial station in Delta, now sold and part of the religious stations. I happened onto the beginning KAFM in 1999 and have been part of the tribe from Independence Avenue to here at 1310 Ute since, and hopefully for many years to come.