Uncle T Jays Vinyl Arkhives
Every other Wednesday, 9pm-Midnight.
Uncle TJ

Born in the Birthplace Of Rock & Roll (Cleveland, Ohio) and raised on AM Top-40 Radio stations like CKLW, WIXY, WGAR and others, it's only natural for Uncle T. Jay to want to get into the radio business back in the 1980s and play the music that made those stations memorable decades later.
Uncle T. Jay started in radio in Toledo, OH then had a gig in Middle of Nowhere, MT (Havre), before moving back to Northeastern Ohio. He volunteered at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame & Museum before they broke ground, then worked there after it was finished, doing shows as an "exhibit" in the museum's radio studio.
Shortly after marrying Aunt Jenny (who is heard on the Annual Christmas Show), they moved out to Colorado in 2006. Uncle T. Jay quickly became a volunteer for KAFM and by 2010 was FINALLY On The Air doing "Uncle T. Jay's Vinyl Arkhives", usually heard every other Wednesday Night from 9pm - Midnight (Mountain Time).
"The Vinyl Arkhives" plays music from The First 25 Years of Rock & Roll and re-creates the sound of AM Top-40 Radio mixed with other pop-culture references of the day -- when ONE radio station played everything.
You can reach Uncle T. Jay at kafmvinyl@gmail.com -- where the Request Line is ALWAYS OPEN!