The Way It Is

Variety of new and old favorites!

Wednesday 1pm-3:30pm.



In the 60s and 70s growing up in the Bay Area-music was always on.                                      
Dad had a 9 foot walnut console stereo turn table and reel to reel tape recorder.  Mom wrote the words to songs on 3 x 5 cards like “They Say”, “Button Up Your Overcoat”, “Fly Me To The Moon” and “Three Little Fishies” while Dad played the old 78s. We recorded our efforts. Mann, it was fun!  I remember many Friday nights in my bedroom listening to my parents, uncles and aunts in the dining room playing cards-singing, laughing, smoking cigarettes and drinking beer.
Music is the soundtrack of my life!
I was 9 when I got my first record player and began collecting 45s and  vinyl and listening to my own music all the time. My friends did, too.
I heard KAFM when I moved from CA to GJ in 2005.  I loved the formats and heard so many different types of music.  My favorite shows were Fund Raisers because the DJ personalities shined through.  In 2014, KAFM announced a programmer orientation. I checked it out and volunteered.
The Way It Is reflects the mood of the week. I play songs that are new, old, unusual, hip hop, rock, classical, country, blues, EDM, R&B, reggae, big band, oldies and everything in between. 
I appreciate community radio very much. Playing individual styles of music permits the personality of a programmer like me a space to continue to create a soundtrack for life. 

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Saint Patty's Day 5k run/walk

Mar 15 @ 10:00AM
Wear your greenest green and get ready for a Saint Patrick’s Day themed social event…

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Jason & Trevor with The Laddery

Mar 15 @ 7:00PM
A Free Evening in The Radio Room with 2 great Local acts!

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David Starr & Friends

Mar 21 @ 7:00PM
Live music at it's hometown best, with some Nashville visiting!

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Fiddle Fusion

Mar 21 @ 7:30PM
Prepare to be transported to the heart of Appalachia as Brittany and Natalie Haas infuse the chamber…

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